Topic: publishing

Katelyn Silva

I’ve published eleven books, four of them bestsellers, over the last several years. Some of them were published while I was working full-time and attending college classes, and others while homeschooling my children and working through a toddler and an infant. I know first-hand what it’s like to struggle with doubts, put dreams on the back burner, have a book flop, and what it takes to have a book truly stand out. I’ve worked with clients around the world in a wide range of genres and I’ve been through significant life struggles. I’m not afraid to help guide and draw the difficult aspects of any story out and onto the page. I can help listeners gain the confidence to start writing their book and publish it to bestseller.

Judy Baker

As a guest on your show I will share practical and timely tips for how to:
Reboot your book, reach clients and turn your content into cash
Engage with readers, get book reviews, and grow revenue
Increase your impact, increase your income
Launch Your Book, Launch Your Brand
How to go Beyond the Book Launch, Secrets for Keeping Your Message Seen and Evergreen
The 5 Mistakes business authors make that stop books from selling and what to do instead
Why you don’t have to be perfect to get results
How my cancer journey helped me grow personally and professionally